As the nights start to draw in, there will undoubtedly be many people in Worcestershire breathing a sigh of relief.

From housing estates to leafy suburbs, the darker evenings bring hope for those who have been plagued with anti-social behaviour inflicted on the majority by a small minority.

However, the change of seasons is not enough. This is why today's story about tough powers to improve behaviour by forcing parents to tackle their nuisance children is heartening.

Nevertheless, the proof of the pudding is, as ever, in the eating.

And that is why this newspaper is happy to learn that Worcestershire parents of tearaways are supporting the authorities when action needs to be taken.

The fact that mums and dads recognise problems when they arise shows that it is possible for reason and justice to prevail.

But we should not rest on our laurels - there must still be vigilance. Lives can be ruined by the appalling behaviour so often seen on our streets.

People who are still dodging their responsibilities must accept that if their children are part of the problem then they, the parents, must be part of the solution.

New Labour has come in for much criticism in recent times. Its detractors say Government is hot on words but not actions.

But it now looks as if the corner is being turned. That is why politicians, people and parents must unite to bring about the changes that we all desire.