MAY I, through your newspaper, ask all employers who allow their employees to take their vehicles home to ask them where they park them.

It is certainly not on there own premises or even outside there own homes in most cases.

No, they are parked outside other people's houses so they do not have to look at them through there own windows, while in front of there own homes, there is a empty space to park.

Why should the rest of the community have to put up with the inconvenience of these commercial vehicles just so companies do not have to bother about parking them on there own premises at night and at weekends.

They are also a hazard as most do not care where they park. This makes it dangerous for children, the elderly and other drivers who use the estate's road.

Most of the estate's roads now have more vehicles on them due to families having two or more cars, so these commercial vehicles are not welcome, as most residents will tell you.

Also, should there be an emergency, access in some cases would be very difficult for fire engines and ambulances.

So Employers note.

Keep your vehicles at the work place not on the streets of the estates.

Name and address supplied