REDDITCH Arts Council faces a bleak future after the council turned down its grant application for the first time since 1971.

The organisation distributes money to groups which organise arts-related events throughout the town.

Since its inception 24 years ago, the arts council has received a grant from the council but was rejected this year because of a new points system.

Arts council secretary Councillor Antonia Pulsford said: "This has always been our main source of funding and without it we may have no future."

Chairman John Clark said: "Arts is about getting involved, not sitting on bottoms watching things happen.

"Redditch Council can afford to spend more than £500,000 on a pop festival but won't support small arts groups which help make this town what it is.

''Who'll remember the concert in one or two year's time?

"Without funding from us, some groups will simply fold," he added.

A council spokesman said: "Due to a budget reduction and the implementation of three-year grant awards to certain organisations, the amount of available grant has reduced.

"The budget for the financial year was £240,000 but £150,500 was ring fenced for organisational projects

"There were 21 applications totalling £318,461, so the major grants fund was oversubscribed by £228,461.

"To ensure funding was allocated to the most needed areas, applications were assessed against a scoring criteria.

"Unfortunately, the arts council was unsuccessful."

Arts council vice-chairman Councillor Malcolm Hall will now be writing to local companies to seek funding.

For details on supporting the arts council, call Mr Hall on 523985.