THE new headteacher at Dyson Perrins CE High School is singing its praises after completing his first week of term.

"When I worked at Nunnery Wood, I used to bring rugby teams here and I've always thought it was a great school," said David Griffin.

"The students are superb, the staff dedicated and it's known as a caring school."

Mr Griffin, who has lived in Malvern for the past eight years, said he was delighted when the headship at the 980-pupil school became available on the retirement of Peter Buchanan.

A history teacher by training, Mr Griffin said he would not let his new duties stop him doing at least some classroom teaching.

"It's vitally important," he said. "It's the only way to get to know the pupils and to win their respect and the respect of the teachers.

"The focus is always going to be on teaching and learning, it's our raison d'etre."

Mr Griffin said he was looking forward to forthcoming changes at the school, with the building of a community sports hall soon to start.

There is also the prospect of the development of North Site, putting hundreds of new houses on the school's doorstep.

"I don't think it'll affect us that much," he said. "They tell me it'll only mean about 15 extra pupils per year."

But most of all, Mr Griffin is looking forward to running the school.

"The students are unbelievable," he said. "They're so polite and charming, and the staff similarly have made me feel most welcome."

Born in Cardiff, Mr Griffin studied at Aberystwyth before becoming an accountant and retraining as a teacher after a few years.

Since moving to Worcestershire, he has worked at a number of schools, most recently Stourport High School, where he was deputy head.