THERE will be an antiques valuation evening, in aid of the Friends of Welland and Little Malvern, on October 1 at 7.30pm at Welland Village Hall. For £5, you can have an item anonymously valued (to protect your identity), have a light refreshment and an enjoyable evening.

There will be a raffle and a 'guess the value of a particular item' competition. Teas and coffees available. If time permits, for a small additional fee, you could have one other item valued!

The professional assessment team will be led by the local estate agent and valuer, Philip Laney. Tickets can be bought from Mary Roberts and can be ordered on 01684 597303 or from any of the committee. There will be tickets obtainable from Stephen at Welland Post Office until September 24 or at any time from Tessa or Brian at the Pheasant. Come and enjoy an unusual evening.

On Saturday, October 22, at 7pm, the Tredegar Orpheus Male Voice Choir will be performing at St James' Church at Welland Cross.

There will be a 'meet the choir' buffet laid on at the Pheasant. This event is staged for the benefit of St James' Church restoration fund.

Tickets for this event are £11 for concert and buffet or just £6 for concert only. Other performing artists will be, from BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester, Mandi Harris, Dave Bradley and Katie Johnson. Tickets are available from Dave and Sue Richardson on 01684 592088 or from the Pheasant.

In November, there will be another prize bingo evening, date to be announced. In December, we will be carol singing, starting and finishing at The Pheasant. Start will be at 6.30pm on Wednesday, December 21, so come along and lend volume to our little Christmas throng. January sees our popular ferret race night, date to be confirmed. So, you can see, there is a lot planned for the village over the winter months.