ANYONE who thought their education was tough should head to the Worcestershire County Museum for some Victorian schooling.

This weekend the museum at Hartlebury Castle, near Kidderminster, is running a back to school workshops showing how children were educated in the 1800s.

As well as hands-on activities, like making simple Victorian toys and lavender sachets, which used to be put in with the washing to make clothes smell nice, visitors will have the chance to take part in a Victorian classroom setting.

"It is fun. Though not to much fun," said Julie Smith, the museum's access and learning officer. "The school ma'am is quite strict.

"We have run these sessions before. It is usually very well received."

The workshops will run throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday. Normal cost of admission to the museum, which is open from 11am to 5pm, applies.

The County Museum re-opened its doors in June following the first phase of a £500,000 refurbishment. It was threatened with closure last year as the County struggled to find the cash to bring it up to Government standards.

. But Cabinet decided against shutting the museum and found the funds needed to make the required changes.