SIR - May I appeal to readers to vote WODS in the forthcoming Big Lottery Fund People's Millions competition to be televised by ITV News tomorrow?

Worcester Operatic and Dramatic Society has reached the local area final and will be one of two projects being televised, each hoping for up to £50,000. But only one can win.

The WODS project is called Making a Grand Entrance and if

successful the grant will enable the group to extend the entrance to its community centre at Northfield Street to include a toilet for the disabled, a covered area with ramp and handrails, plus some minor landscaping to improve the overall appearance.

WODS aims to make its rehearsal rooms more accessible to those less physically able, provide opportunities for greater use of its home and make its 'front door' more inviting to the local community.

Please support your local community by voting for WODS. You can vote by phone, text or on line on November 2.


Acting Secretary, WODS
