SOCIETY members had a practical evening on using old maps to study local history at the October meeting.

Led by society member Elizabeth Atkins, members compared maps of different periods to follow development and change within a number of local villages, including Feckenham, Astwood Bank and Webheath. During this practical exercise many members were able to identify their own houses or plots.

By looking at maps of different ages, it was also possible to follow the evolution of maps as map-making techniques improved. The exercise was thoroughly enjoyed by all and the evening passed all too quickly. It is hoped to include further practical study sessions in future programmes.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, November 8 at 7.30pm in Webheath Village Hall. Robin Hill will be talking about "The Working Countryside", a look at rural life in Shropshire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire, 1880-1945. Visitors are welcome to all society meetings.