WHEN many of us are trying hard to save our hospital services, you will always get the poison pen merchant who cannot resist turning the affair into a personal attack.

You may have noticed from some of my past letters that my response to these people is to give them a taste of their own medicine.

So to Howard Bellaby (Letters, October 26) I say this: Instead of attacking those who are fighting the cause to keep all the Alex services in place, like our MP Jacqui Smith, instead of actually misrepresenting the facts by saying the Alex has been underinvested in - if you see what has been added to the Alex over the past eight years, clearly the investment has been huge - instead of trying to be clever and taking every opportunity to poke fun at those who spend their time working for Redditch and who do not just sit on their bums writing letters, why don't you do something useful like coming to help us collect names on the petitions to save the hospital on Saturdays in the town centre for the next few weeks from 10.30am-2.30pm?

Robin King

Huband Close
