THE new leader of Redditch Council was announced on Monday night.

Councillor Phil Mould received unanimous cross-party support as the new leader of both the council, and Labour group, at a full council meeting.

Mr Mould, former deputy leader, temporarily stepped up to the top job following the recent resignation of David Cartwright.

In support of Mr Mould's promotion, fellow Labour councillor Bill Hartnett said: "He is one of the longest-serving members on the council and is clearly well qualified for the post as leader."

He added: "He certainly has the 'X-Factor' and will do the job very well indeed."

Mr Mould, a former firefighter who represents the Greenlands ward, will also take on the role of portfolio holder for community leadership and partnership.

Church Hill ward councillor Bill Hartnett was named the new deputy leader of the council but will also continue as portfolio holder for community safety.

Mr Mould said: "Bill is very dependable, someone you can give a job to and know that it will get done. He is ideal for this post."

Councillor Greg Chance will fill the vacant post on the executive cabinet, which will make available his role on the Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

David Cartwright will take up this role.