OUR ancestors knew all about the value of light. Ever since cave families huddled around the fires during the long winters of pre-history, Mankind has never lost his need to banish darkness.

For example, on Saturday, we celebrate the demise of the person some say was the most honest man ever to enter Parliament.

However, bonfire festivals such as this actually pre-date the hapless Guido. They are really a throwback to the days when humans believed they had to remind the sun to return in the spring.

Such themes may indeed be of pagan origin, yet were enthusiastically embraced by Christianity. Genesis, as some of you may recall, makes specific reference to the majesty of light.

We are happy to report that such sentiments still resonate in our collective consciousness. For later this month, lights of love will be shining across Worcester when the St Richard's Hospice Christmas illuminations are switched on.

The hospice is a cause that this newspaper holds dear to its heart. So if you want to dedicate a light, the necessary information can be found today on Page 5.

Remember, it can be in memory of a loved one, celebration of a birth, or for someone who will be absent at Christmas, but still in your thoughts. All that we ask is that you give generously.

We may have come a long way since the caves, but the common bonds of humanity that define our being certainly have not changed.