SIR - The trade in live sheep exports which has been dormant for the last nine months has resumed again through the port of Dover. Investigations into live animal transport on the continent have revealed the breaking of the rules on journey times, frequent failure to provide water as required, and often slaughter performed illegally without stunning at journey's end.

During transportation, large numbers of animals are crammed into overcrowded vehicles and often receive no proper food, water or rest during their long journeys.

These animals can become increasingly exhausted, dehydrated and stressed. Many are trampled to death by their companions.

It is widely accepted that animals should be slaughtered as near as possible to the farm of rearing. I believe there is also no good reason to transport animals on long journeys simply for further fattening.

Long distance transport not only inflicts serious welfare problems on animals, but also risks spreading animal diseases such as foot-and-mouth and swine fever over long distance.

For further information about this, please contact compassion in world farming T/N 01730 264208 e-mail compassion


