GARDENING CLUB: There was a good attendance at the meeting in spite of the autumnal feel to the weather. The chairman extended an invitation to all members and their partners to attend the club's 25th anniversary party to be held on November 16. This is to be held after the AGM and there will be a buffet supper, wine and music. Next year's club holiday to Northumberland is to be in September and members were asked to put their names down as soon as possible. The club is to sell bulbs in pots and other gardening items at the village bazaar to be held on November 12 and everyone was encouraged to support this event.

Chairwoman Bridget Maslin then told members that the speaker for the evening was unable to attend. However, Bridget, with her organisational skills, quickly had everyone involved in a gardening quiz. This proved to be enjoyable and informative with some quiz answers surprising members. Following coffee, four members volunteered to answer members' questions in an impromptu Gardeners' Question Time . The knowledgeable panel members were Alan Hale, Vera Fisher, Peggy Atherton and Linda Collins. The audience enthusiastically participated in both questions and answers.