A NURSE died after falling downstairs after drinking a massive amount of alcohol.

An inquest heard that Sheila Rossiter, known as Jane, fractured her skull in the fall at her home.

She had drunk a massive amount of alcohol which, coroner Victor Round said, could have killed her even if she had not fallen.

Mrs Rossiter, of Richmond Road, off Wyld's Lane, Worcester, was found by her husband Ian, who heard the fall, on Thursday, September 22.

A post mortem report showed Mrs Rossiter, aged 45, had 357 microgrammes of alcohol per 100ml blood, about four-and-a-half times the legal limit for driving.

Mr Round said: "This is a very high level indeed. So high, in fact, it's been known to kill a woman on its own.

"It's extremely high and indicates that she had got used to using alcohol over a considerable period of time.

"People do fall down stairs all the time, with or without alcohol. Maybe it's a fall she would have had anyway."

He recorded a verdict of accidental death.