MR BISHOP, of Green Lane, (Your Letters, October 21) has a very good point. The planning system is weighted in favour of developers in that if their application is refused, they get another free go and then can try and try and try again and also go to appeal and even to the Secretary of State.

Objectors (particularly to the development of greenfield sites) have only one chance of winning and, often being novices to the game, only have three weeks to become experts in planning law, building and highways regulations in order to make appropriate and meaningful objections. If the application is approved, they have lost with no second chance. This is surely not right in a democratic society. Even convicted criminals have the right to appeal!

A case in point is the application for an architect's office on a greenfield site, which is subject to Landscape Policy 2 and Conservation Policy 22 in both the Adopted and Emerging Local Plan. It should therefore be one of the last places in Malvern to be built upon.

There is much concern over this application that the change of use from agricultural to commercial within the AONB and abutting a Conservation Area would set a very dangerous precedent and would be the thin edge of the wedge!

S COLE, Wells Road, Malvern.