KIND-hearted Brownies from the 2nd Studley (St Mary's) group have joined forces with the Studley branch of the Mothers Union to provide Christmas comfort to some of the young people helped by Redditch homeless charity Nightstop.

Nightstop helps homeless youngsters throughout the town. It takes referrals from organisations including the Salvation Army and the police and provides emergency accommodation for 16-25 year olds with host families where volunteers can offer youngsters practical support.

The teenagers can also receive resettlement support for up to 12 months.

The Mothers Union has been meeting every week for the past year to knit and complete 10 blankets from recycled wool. And the Brownies provided funds for eight indoor meals at McDonalds, Christmas gift boxes filled with toiletries and Santa sacks brimming with festive cheer from chocolates to socks.

Gill Groom, from Night-stop, said: "We are very grateful to have the interest and support from both the Mothers Union and the Brownies in Studley.

"These gifts will certainly help lift the spirits and bring some much-needed Christmas warmth to those young people who are helped by Nightstop."

For more information on the charity's work, call 66036.