THE words "guilty by association" might be very appropriate for our MP, Jacqui Smith, if the Alexandra Hospital is stripped of vital services, as it is her Government's policy makers who are slowly but surely eroding the one thing that is envied around the world, our NHS.

It is true millions have been ploughed into the NHS and yet this money rarely seems to find its way to where it is needed most.

In truth, the millions are being swallowed up by a Government that is obsessed with assessments and targets.

The burden this places on health trusts, managers, doctors and nurses has become a huge drain on resources within the NHS.

It is those working within the NHS (and also in education) who are required to compile reams of time-consuming and in the main, unrepresentative information.

Why? To measure progress towards meeting unrealistic targets, thus giving justification for their main objective, which is to close so-called under-performing hospitals.

It's quite apparent many hospitals across the country are facing the same fate as the Alex.

So one has to ask the question, are trusts across the country all totally incompetent with their financial budgets, or could it be that successive Governments have failed to keep pace with the financial needs of the NHS?

I appreciate the NHS continues to evolve and will require ever increasing amounts of money.

I believe it is essential resources be directed to front-line services and not absorbed by the throngs of middlemen whose sole aim seems to be to drive forward inappropriate targets.

In 1948, the NHS was formed to make health care accessible to all. Sadly, 57 years on, we now are heading towards a more accessible health service for those who can pay.

But then we shouldn't be surprised as the Government did say we have choice.


Church Road

Astwood Bank