A DEPRIVED area of Bromsgrove is set to receive substantial investment under proposals by a housing association.

Bromsgrove District Housing Trust has teamed up with West Mercia police and the district council to give Charford a fresh start.

Last week residents were given a glimpse of their future at a third consultation meeting. A community architect presented residents from the Austin Road area with potential development ideas.

The partnership with the police and council has seen residents meet three times over the past few months to decide what physical improvements could be made to the area. They have discussed how to tackle crime, anti-social behaviour and traffic problems plaguing those living there.

Suggestions by residents, which are under consideration by the trust, include demolishing some unpopular flats, removing unsightly unused garages and slowing down traffic. Under the ideas the demolished flats would be replaced with new houses.

BDHT senior customer involvement officer Sally Rivers said: "We have been working with residents in order to establish what they want from their area.

"A number of key ideas have been suggested by residents, and following further consultation meetings with the community, we'll be working with all partners to turn these ideas into reality."

She added: "By teaming up with the local council and the police, we're in a position to not only tackle the physical appearance of the estate, but also address the crime and anti-social behaviour issues." Once the residents' ideas have been finalised the trust, if residents agree, hopes to start the work in late 2006 or early 2007.