AS funny as this reviewer finds Lee Evans, the XL Tour just did not have the same comedy power as was generated during his Live at Wembley Tour DVD of 2002.

The jokes are all new material but the manic way the Norman Wisdom look-alike delivers them just doesn't seem to have the freshness and uniqueness of his live stand-up of years ago.

That is not to say this DVD isn't a real hoot, as it most certainly is. Very little escapes the wrath or ire of Mr Evans, including the postal service, dumb footballers, healthy foods, gyms and one of my personal favourites, people who are vague!

Just as in the old pantomime tradition when a leading character familiarises themselves with the area they're performing in and introduces relevant jokes, Mr Evans did a wonderful job during this performance to make the people of Cardiff laugh heartily about their city, without ever being offended.

An accomplished performance but his camping it up and gurning sometimes got a little tiresome and repetitive.