I AM pleased to read that Councillor Gordon Yarranton is as concerned about parking in Bewdley as the rest of town councillors.

The town council have already agreed in principle with the police to remove the yellow no parking lines from outside the Co-op area and around the top end of the church to create more on-street parking, and to install disabled bays outside the Co op. These proposals will soon be ready for consultation.

We are also pleased that revised plans will soon be submitted to create up to 30 parking places on the old pumping station site at Dog Lane car park and that consideration is being given to re-site the recycling bins to create more parking spaces.

On the issue of illegal parking, it has been confirmed the police are now taking firmer action and are soon to enforce the no-parking laws in Severnside North for all motorists.

Of particular concern are those who park on the footpaths, as on Sandy Bank, in the bus bays and in the disabled bays outside the town hall.

For those who park illegally even on the hatching at the bottom of the church, be aware it could cost you £30.

However, we were very disappointed Councillor Yarranton is supporting his Conservative colleagues' intention to install the Worcestershire hub in the town hall foyer.

We agree it will be of benefit but town councillors are against it being sited in the foyer. So are the Civic Society, the Friends of Bewdley Museum and the Environment Group of Opportunity Bewdley.

Among the reasons are that the hub will dominate the museum entrance, its presence will deter people from visiting the museum, and there will be little privacy for hub visitors.


Town councillor

Lyttleton Road
