A GRANT of more than £50,000 has topped off a massive £450,000 appeal to fund a new sports and recreation pavilion for Wyre Forest villagers.

Bulldozers have already levelled the site at the Callow Hill Sports Ground, near Bewdley, and the footings have been dug for the new building.

The Biffaward is a multi-million pound environment fund managed by the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts, which makes use of landfill tax credits donated by Biffa Waste Services.

The grant of £51,000 includes a £5,100 contribution from the Far Forest Tennis Club and means the target has been virtually reached, although the appeal will stay open for up to another year.

Under Government regulations, only 90 per cent of a grant can be provided from landfill tax - the remaining 10 per cent must come from another source.

Rob Simmonds, project manager for the Far Forest Society, which is running the building scheme, said it was hoped to have the pavilion finished by early next summer.

It will replace the temporary buildings which have been used as changing rooms for many years but which had no running water or electricity.

The new building will have changing rooms, complete with showers and toilets, a kitchen and a hospitality/education room.

More than half the money to provide modern facilities at the ground came from a grant awarded a year ago by the Football Foundation.

Local people have also contributed by organising and supporting a range of fund-raising events to boost the appeal.

Mr Simmonds said: "The Far Forest Society has a dedicated core of members, whose years of fund-raising have created a true community spirit, which will endure for years.

"Without fund givers, such as Biffaward, very few projects would get off the ground. We are truly grateful to them."