I AM incensed that the local NHS Ambulance Trust has decided to close Ledbury Ambulance Station, citing "cost cutting" (Ledbury Reporter, November 25).

Can I suggest that we close the police, fire and health services too, as this will further cut costs.

Citing the cost of heating, lighting and so on for such a small station is laughable. Has the trust not heard of energy saving light bulbs and Economy 7 heating? This surely must be one of the poorest excuses to go to print.

This is absolutely diabolical and a disgrace. The public has funded this ambulance service through increased taxes for a good number of years and this is how we are repaid. I am furious.

The townsfolk of Ledbury will know that the ambulance crews are frequently called out and they play a vital lifesaving role in our community. Closing the ambulance station in Ledbury will cost lives in Ledbury.

I sincerely hope the ambulance station in Ledbury is kept open and would encourage all the people of Ledbury to campaign for this.

MR E HOGAN, Browning Road, Ledbury.