AN amateur photographer from Malvern has snapped up a prestigious international award.

It was not the first photography competition 56-year-old Richard Sheppard, of Upper Chase Road, has entered but it is the first he has ever won.

He fought off thousands of other entrants to be named Panasonic Batteries Amateur Photographer of the Year 2005.

His winning picture was an eye-catching photo of his son and daughter in the bath. Amateur photographers from all over the world entered the competition. Mr Sheppard's Bath Time, was one of nine that were awarded a first prize.

The medical service engineer said that his passion for pictures started when he was a teenager.

He said: "I take my camera with me everywhere I go. I would like to get out and about more but the children are perfect subjects. I love taking pictures of them and watching them grow up, just like other parents do."

Mr Sheppard's prize, a £4,000 holiday for two at the Epacha Game Lodge & Spa in Namibia, is an opportunity to take once in a lifetime snaps of safari animals and African landscapes. He said: "The holiday to Namibia sounds amazing and I am really looking forward to it."

Tim Clark, Panasonic Batteries marketing and communications manager and one of the judges, praised the winner.

He said: "With so many great photographs in the competition, judging the final was a real pleasure, although coming to a final decision was very difficult.

"Richard's image caught the judges' eye immediately. It was the perfect mix of imaginative photography and natural subject.

"It really was the best of the best, so many congratulations to him."

To see the other winning pictures from other countries such as Germany, Spain and France go to