SIR - Once again Chris Jaeger has surpassed himself. What a marvellous pantomime! My grand-daughter thoroughly enjoyed Jack And The Beanstalk and I am told all the houses were packed.

However, I must mention that the dog in Britt Ekland's arms was neither help to man nor beast and was nothing to do with the story. Forget the dog next time Britt! For once, I agreed with last week's comments by John Phillpott.

I would also like to think that next year there will be more youngsters allowed on the stage. Those who ran up were about to be put on stage by one of the Swan's staff who was quickly told by one of the actors that only two each side were allowed. There must only have been about six each side of the auditorium who ran up to be on stage.

It is very disappointing to those so young and it would be goodwill on behalf of pantomime stars toward the people who paid to see them. The children could each get a few sweets instead of the four large bags presented to each youngster.

My congratulations to Chris Jaeger for "pulling off" the coup of having two world renowned stars in Worcester at the same time, Brit Ekland and Van Morrison.

