LEDBURY Choral Society enters the New Year in search of new voices for an ambitious spring performance of Mendelssohn's Elijah at St Michael and All Angels' Church.

Choir chairman Mike Gorvin hopes to match the numbers of singers and musicians who took part in the first performance, at Birmingham Town Hall in 1846.

He said: "The first performances involved a choir of 271 and an orchestra of 125, conducted by the composer himself.

"It would be a challenge to fit such numbers into Ledbury Parish Church, but the dramatic qualities of this great choral work demand a large choir, full orchestra and also soloists of professional standard.

"The choir is well on the way to meeting these demands, but still requires more vocal power."

Mr Gorvin said there may be singers who have recently moved into the area and hope to take up singing again.

He said: "Under the expert tuition of conductor, Malcolm Macleod, they will soon experience the enjoyment of singing such fine music."

The choir meets on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm, at the Methodist Church in The Homend.

The performance of Elijah will take place on Saturday, April 22, as part of this year's Ledbury English Festival.

Anyone wishing to contact Ledbury Choral Society should phone 01531 890719.