THE creative community of Malvern is being urged to throw its weight behind a new fringe festival.

In association with the ESO's 2006 Elgar Festival in June, Malvern Fringe Arts will be taking to the streets to bring the town alive with art, music and theatre.

Organisers are urging as many people as possible to get involved with the event.

The fringe festival will take place on Thursday to Saturday, June 1 to 3, and already a host of entertainments are being envisaged.

Tim Cranmore, of Malvern Fringe Arts, said: "We want to get a real diversity of people involved. We want to reach out beyond the usual 'fringe people' and get groups like WIs involved."

Among the attractions will be drama on the streets, in the Theatre of Small Convenience and at the new Coach House Theatre.

Music will be represented by lunchtime concerts, a busking arcade and a cabaret open-mike event.

There will be exhibitions, a craft market and schools' arts and music events.

A special series of biking events is also being planned, to commemorate Elgar's love of cycling around the Malvern Hills.

On the Saturday, Priory Park and Malvern Theatres will be the centre of events, with a party in the park.

Malvern Fringe Arts already has the support of Malvern Hills District Council in its endeavour.

Preparations are also under way for the annual May Day event, which is also held at Priory Park.

Anyone who wants to get involved is urged to contact Tim at 01684 563313 or, or MHDC arts officer Manda Graham on 01684 862312, 07967 479463 or