RESIDENTS are concerned a new nightclub will bring noise, fighting and drunken behaviour to Bromyard town centre.

The owners of popular Hereford nightspot Saxtys have been granted a licence to re-open TC's Bar in Broad Street.

Despite appeals from residents, the licence was granted at a Herefordshire Council regulatory sub-committee meeting on Thursday, December 29.

Jayne Webster, who runs bed and breakfast Number Eighteen in Broad Street, is worried that the value of her property will drop and her business will suffer when the venue opens later this month.

"I think it's inappropriate and not the sort of thing we need in a small market town," she said. "A lot of people live in this area and they're going to be woken up at 2.30am by people shouting, swearing and fighting."

Mrs Webster feels people leaving the club will wake her guests and those at the nearby Falcon Hotel.

"People who come to the country for a quiet break are going to be disturbed," she said. "We run a business but it is also our home and the people who chose to live here were not expecting a nightclub."

Saxtys owner Edward Symonds confirmed that the venue would open in January but declined to make any comment. The licence granted allows opening until 11.30pm Monday to Wednesday, midnight Thursday and 1.30am Friday and Saturday, with a further half-hour drinking up time.

Town and county councillor Peter Dauncey is frustrated at the lack of available information regarding the application.

"I'm very annoyed that the licensing committee of Herefordshire Council did not bother to consult with local councillors," he said. "Licensing affects our town enormously, but many of our pubs now stay open late with no major problems and I hope this one doesn't change that."

Town clerk Mike Cresswell said the authority had not been involved in the decision. He lives in Pump Street and said he was resigned to an increase in noise when the venue opens.