THIEVES have put lives at risk by stealing a rescue ambulance from Upton Marina.

One of a pair of Landrover 110 Defenders belonging to Mercia Inshore Search and Rescue (MISAR) was stolen between 1.30pm and 6pm on Tuesday, January 3.

The vehicle was driven out of the marina through a timber fence and later recovered in Tirley, near Gloucester, with its windows smashed and expensive electrical equipment removed.

MISAR chairman David Walker said the Landrover would be out of action for the foreseeable future, endangering lives in the case of an emergency.

"Lives are at risk while the vehicle is out of action," he said. "We don't yet know how long we'll be without it, they've stripped a lot of equipment and it all comes down to cost and availability."

MISAR had recently purchased CCTV cameras and was planning to install them at the marina this weekend.

Following the theft, they have been fitted ahead of schedule. However, Mr Walker is upset that someone would steal from a life-saving organisation.

"We're very upset, to say the least. In my opinion, anyone that steals a rescue vehicle is the lowest of the low," he said.

"With our equipment, we are a potential target, but given what we're there to do, I wouldn't have thought we'd actually be targeted."

The incident will have long-term repercussions for the rescue organisation.

Mr Walker said plans to buy more advanced communication equipment would now have to be delayed.

"We've been working very hard to ensure we have the right standard of vehicles and equipment," he said. "This person's actions have caused us a very serious setback."