MALVERN Hills Gymnastics Club is appealing for donations and sponsorship to help with its move to a new home.

The club is on the move after plans to convert an industrial unit in Spring Lane were approved by Malvern Hills District Council.

Coach and founder Lorraine Barson hopes to have the new facility open by the end of the month.

However, major refurbishment costing £300,000 is required to improve facilities, install light and heating and provide disabled access.

Mrs Barson has applied for a Sport England grant and will shortly find out if she has been success-ful.

However, she is also appealing for local groups and businesses to offer their support.

Several builders with children at the club are willing to work free of charge and Mrs Barson hopes people will follow their lead and donate equipment.

"We're after anything from bags of cement to toilets and kitchen units," she said. "Even if someone's got something in the garage that might help we'd be grateful."

The club currently uses sports facilities at The Grove and Malvern Girls' College.

However, membership has grown from 15 to more than 600 in just five years and it is now struggling to book enough time at the facilities.

Mrs Barson said: "We're having to cram the children in as it is and we certainly don't want to have to start turning anyone away."