I read with interest your front page article (Malvern Gazette, December 30) about Mr James McArthur's experience at Worcester Royal Hospital.

Early last year, I had surgery which entailed an overnight stay at the Worcester Royal. Care? What care? Neither my consultant nor any member of his team had the courtesy to speak to me once during my stay.

They swanned into the ward the morning before and the morning after my operation. They spoke, loudly enough for everyone to overhear what was probably rather sensitive information, to the other three patients. Although my name, and that of my consultant, were clearly displayed on the wall next to my bed, they simply glanced at me and walked right past.

Since I was expecting to be discharged, I hung around for a while. Finally a nurse came and asked me if I was leaving because my bed was required by another patient. So I left and came home to write my letters of complaint. The standard response I received was simply complacent.

I am not surprised Mr McArthur lost so much weight. I was warned by the woman in the neighbouring bed that the food was "diabolical". She was right.

The food is prepared in Manchester and transported to Worcester. I believe my evening meal was probably worse than the school stuff Jamie Oliver was so scandalised by. It consisted of a tasteless piece of chicken with the texture of coconut matting, over-boiled potatoes, soggy roast potatoes and a small floret of broccoli, which had been cooked to death. The whole was covered in the most unappetising grey gloop, which I suppose was meant to represent gravy.

What happened to the "five a day" fruit and veg I wonder? When I asked for fruit at breakfast I was told there was none. I was offered a small box of cereal instead.

You'd think at least they could get the tea right - this is, after all, England. But no, they make it with hot water from one of those pressure jugs so the water isn't boiling and the result is undrinkable.

After I had sent a few letters of complaint, I was advised that my file was closed and no more replies would be forthcoming. Don't we deserve better in Worcestershire?

Alison Pickford, Merick Road, Malvern Link.