AFTER three months of touring Europe with the cast of Riverdance, one Worcester actress has finally got her feet back on the ground.

Pam Jolley had a singing role in the hit show, and has sung in front of audiences as big as 9,000 in Zurich, Amsterdam and Paris.

The 24-year-old, from Rushwick, got the part after wowing a panel of judges with her vocal skills at the Birmingham NIA back in April.

Pam, who studied at the Rose Bruford College in London after gaining her A-Levels at The Chase, Malvern, appeared in her final performance in December, which meant she was back at home with her family for Christmas.

"It was an absolutely amazing experience," she said. "There were 80 of us in the company and I have made some fantastic friends. Riverdance was by far the biggest production I have ever done - but I am hoping to do something similar next."

Pam, who is a former member of Worcester Operatic and Dramatic Society's Youth Section, added she was now back doing 'normal' jobs again in Worcester, while she is auditioning.