All thoroughly enjoyed coming out and singing around the village for the Friends of Welland's carol singing event. It was a great success and raised £128.48. Thanks must go to Rob and Lisa for the loan and operating services of the trailer and Tessa and Brian for the use of the Pheasant and their usual hospitality given to all the singers and listeners. Hope to repeat it next year!

A recital is being held at St James' Church, Welland, tomorrow (Saturday). Megan Howells (flute and voice) will be accompanied on the piano by Diana Hughes. Megan is a former pupil of Welland Primary School and Hanley Castle High School and donations from the concert are being split between Megan's college choir tour of the America and church funds. Refreshments will be available.

The other thing to remind you about is the Friends of Welland Ferret Race night on Saturday, January 28. The first race starts at 7:30pm and tickets (£5 per adult and £1 for children) are available from me at the Post Office or any of the committee members. Included in the ticket price is a light supper, but if you want to drink alcohol, please bring it with you.