The female ferret is called a jill, while the male is called a hob. Babies are called kits. A group of ferrets is known as a business.

The average size of a hob is 17in to 24in in length, while jills are between 12in to 16in long.

Their average lifespan is eight to 10 years, although 14 years has been recorded.

Ferrets are members of the Mustelidae family which also includes weasels, stoats, polecats, martens, mink, badgers, and otters.

They may have been kept by the Ancient Egyptians more than 3,000 years ago and were brought to Britain almost 2,000 years ago by the Romans.

There are two varieties of ferrets, based on coloration. Fitch ferrets (the most popular) are buff-coloured, with black masks, feet and tails. Albino ferrets are white, with pink eyes.

The gestation period of ferrets is 42 to 44 days. The average litter size is eight but they do range from two to 17. Kits are born deaf, with their eyes closed. Their eyes open and they begin to hear between three and five weeks of age.

Ferrets make wonderful pets because of their engaging personalities, playful activity and fastidious nature.

There is no animosity between ferrets and dogs and cats, and all can usually share a household with little difficulty. However, ferrets have been known to attack pet birds.