BOTH sections held their AGM recently when all officers were re-elected, with the exception of group representative John Partington and poppy organiser Pam Emery - neither wished to stand again.

These offices were taken by Mr C T Wareing and Mr B Parkinson.

Pam Emery, retiring poppy organiser, would like to say a special thank you to those people who helped make the job so much easier for her over the last five years, it was very much appreciated.

Thanks to all the generous people who gave money or their time to collect in any way.

The poppy collections for 2005/06 so far total approximately £7,000 including £3,910 being raised at Tesco.

Nine-year-old William Parkinson was such a professional when he attended the Remembrance service at the war memorial to play the Last Post and Reveille, thank you William.

New members are always welcome to join us, we hold out meetings at Astwood Bank Club at 7.30pm bi-monthly on the second Thursday in the month - January, March, May, July, September, November.

For more details, call Mrs Partington on 892269.