PRESIDENT Mary Davies thanked Margaret Goold, Cynthia Caldicott, Joan Flowerdew and Joyce Bottomley - retiring members of the committee.

She said the members were truly indebted to them and they were each presented with a houseplant and a voucher. Secretary Lorna Nicklin read the report of the AGM held in November. She also reported on a shopping trip to Oxford, attended by some of the members, which she said had been a lovely day and had included high tea.

Mary Davies said that the annual carol service held at St Andrew's Church, Barnt Green, had been very much enjoyed by those who had been able to attend.

Forthcoming events were announced. Members were told of a quiz night to be held in Bromsgrove on February 28. A venue for the annual dinner would be decided next month. Anne Day gave information on a spring rally to be held at The Bermuda Hotel, which she told members involved making books for sightless and partially sighted children. She asked members to volunteer their assistance and join her in this venture.

The main part of the evening was taken up by a skilful and entertaining demonstration on how to make a Christmas decoration given by Anne Day. The members then had the opportunity to try out their own skills, which ended in a competition won by Doreen Croxton and judged to be the most interesting exhibit.

The evening ended with members enjoying refreshments of tea, coffee and mince pies and the drawing of the raffle.

Mary Davies said the committee had agreed to donate the proceedings for the raffle that evening to the charity jar.