Sunday's service at St Peter's Church was led by churchwarden Terry Maple and its theme was belief in yourself and your dreams. Next Sunday's service will be led by the Arch-deacon, The Ven. Joy Tetley, at 11am.

Last Monday, a service of celebration and thanksgiving for the life of The Rev. Jean Fardon was held at St Peter's Church, Powick. Ordained as a deacon earlier, Jean was one of the first women priests in the Church of England to serve, in 1994.

She was well-loved by the many friends and clergy in the area and was a special mother and grandmother. At the service, which was led by The Rev. David Nichol, the reading from Revelation was given by David Purdon, her sons Mike and John gave their reflections and the address was given by Mr Nichol. Readings from Mother Julian of Norwich were read by the Rural Dean, The Rev. John Barr and the prayers were led by The Rev. John Ilson, a previous vicar at Powick.

The church was full for the service with many friends and family, including representatives form Malvern Churches Together. The retiring collection was in aid of the Mission Aviation Fellowship. Afterwards refreshments, organised by members of Powick church and united benefice, were served in Powick Parish Hall.

Next Wednesday (January 18), a united games evening is being held at Somers Park Avenue Methodist Church to mark the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Teams from Powick and Callow End churches will be competing in table tennis, Ludo and dominoes.