DAVID and Ann Montague-Smith and Jackie Rose's evening of words and recorded music followed a short extraordinary meeting to determine subscriptions for the year 2006-7.

The evening highlighted the pitfalls of growing old, including a poem by Pam Ayres entitled I've got to look after me teeth, followed by Capped Teeth by Andrew Lloyd-Webber.

There were comic poems, including one by AA Milne, and one by John Betjeman was read.

There was also a poem by Rudyard Kipling's cat! The evening ended with Wilma Horsbrugh's Train to Glasgow following Coronation Scot.

Other musical delights were Le Onde by Ludovico Einoudi, Scott Joplin's Sugar Cane, the Andante from Mozart's 21st piano concerto, Grainger's English Country Gardens, Bach's Chromatic Fantasie and Fugue, Dido's Lament by Purcell, Elgar's Imperial March, an extract from Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev (which followed a re-writing of the bard), The Banks of Green Willow by Butterworth, Rossini's Cat Duet and the Nunc Dimitis by Stanford.