SHIPPING over 200 years was the topic on the programme for the February meeting of the Pershore and District U3A, however there was a typing error and this should have read 'Shopping over 200 years'. Bernard Mills will be talking about this subject on Tuesday 21 February at their regular monthly meeting held at the Civic Centre in Pershore.

The U3A, or University of the Third Age, is for retired or semi-retired people who want to learn new things or share skills and experiences. Unlike most universities there are no entrance qualifications or formal syllabuses, and no examinations.

In addition to the monthly meetings Pershore and District U3A have over 20 interest groups where members meet together to talk about such things as photography, family history, travel, languages, science and technology, and to take part in walking, visiting historic houses and churches, singing, and even enjoying lunch together. For more information about the U3A phone 01386 561975.