PARISH COUNCIL: The monthly meeting was held in King George's Hall chaired by Cllr M Stow. A resignation was received from Cllr M Hale.

PC Gary Brewer of Stow gave a brief talk about crime figures in the village.

A plastic igloo is sited in the car park of the Butcher's Arms in Chapel Lane, accepting plastic drink bottles but not margarine or yoghurt pots and industrial plastic bottles.

There has still not been a suitable site to have a third dog loo receptacle erected in the Pound Lane, Upper High Street area.

The Plantation wall has been repaired, only to be damaged again days later. It was agreed to install a large Cotswold stone boulder in place of the small stones and one has been offered if found suitable.

The Christmas carol service was well attended and £279 was collected for the air ambulance.

Cllr L Stow, district councillor, gave his report that a grant has been received to upgrade play equipment in the junior playing fields. Council tax should be increased by 3.5 per cent this year.

A good response had been received to keep the Gloucestershire police force.

County councillor J Girling gave a talk on education costs and about the HGV weight restriction order which is ready to be advertised, only the county is awaiting a response from the portfolio holder, Charles Gillam.

Cllr J Medlyn who has organised the Bledisloe Cup and Calor competitions for the past three years would like to step back and let a group of keen villagers come forward with new ideas. A meeting will be arranged at a later date.

The updating of the Plantation received a few ideas, these will be discussed by councillors and again a meeting for this will be arranged at a later date.

A parking restriction line may soon be in use from the bus shelter to the Plantation corner.

A parishioner on Ballards Close asked if it was possible to have another street light by The Vicarage House in the Close. Advice will be sought.

A recent application made for a pharmacy in the village has been refused.

The next parish council meeting is on Wednesday, February 22 at 7.30pm.