GARDEN CLUB: The garden club started the year when Frank Hardy gave a talk on the care and maintenance of lawns. Business included a proposal to buy the necessary bulbs for doing some infilling in the churchyard once the bare places have been identified after this year's flowering - an imminent yearly treat gifted to the village by the club in the millennium year.

The late Eric Newing left money to be used by the garden club for the benefit of the school and plans are now being made for money to be spent on the planting of a small orchard in the school grounds, stocked with fruit trees which originated in the Vale.

SINGERS MEET: Harvington Singers held their annual meeting in St James' Church last Thursday evening, with Richard Sharp being re-elected as chairman and all committee members being returned unopposed. Thanks and appreciation were given by the chairman to choirmaster Peter Harrison and accompanist John Langley, echoed in the applause from all members. Treasurer Margaret Williams said the choir had had a successful year in 2005 and had been able to make an increased donation to the church in appreciation of their generosity in allowing use of the building for rehearsals and performances. Rehearsals will be starting shortly for the summer concert.

CHURCH TALK: The talk given by lecturer Tim Porter in the village hall on Saturday was well received. His tips for trying a new way of looking at old churches (the title of his talk) prompted many members of the audience to say that they would be keen to join an outing later in the year to look at some of the examples seen in the programme, with Tim as guide.

It is an idea which is being promoted by St James' Church social committee who had been responsible for the afternoon's entertainment, the proceeds going to the village hall appeal fund.