SIR - Daniel Bentley's recent article attributes to MP Mike Foster an ambition "to knock this school down". This is hardly an appropriate way to refer to Christopher Whitehead Language College and pre-supposes the possibility of a replacement being built on the same site.

As far as I am aware, no such decision has been made or even discussed. To my mind, it seems highly unlikely the existing site could ever be adapted to adequately accommodate the facilities required. One has only to consider the riverside sporting facilities, subject to flooding for much of the year and inaccessible in emergencies, to realise that anything less than relocation would be nothing more than an extension of the haphazard improvisation the school has experienced ever since its inception.

The present problem lies in finding funds to provide the facilities needed. I hope what our MP is implying is that he will do his utmost to ensure funding is available. After all, it was he who initiated the appeal that led to rejection of Tesco's proposals which otherwise would by now have been completed at no cost to the taxpayer.

