I READ with incredulity and anger how 'the system' continues to reward the elite. 'Retiring' at 49 years on a full police pension probably gives the new head of community leadership much more than many who have to work for a further 15 years, and that is without being paid by the county council.

I am also angered by the council's decision to appoint someone with such a vague job description. How does it measure "ensuring a high community profile" and what is "an identified community leadership and engagement strategy"? This is at a time when the council is required to make savings by scaling back essential services. Surely this is an abuse of responsibility towards all members of the community.

I believe that community leadership is about setting an example by working at the grass roots, among vulnerable people, volunteering and working towards social justice; not about "making sure people know what the council did". As it is, society is becoming more fragmented and divided - relatively, the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer.

The council and taxpayers would get much better value for money if it donated the £70k, plus on-costs, to local charities to deliver essential services, not designing jobs for 'spin doctors'.

KEN ALLCOCK, Lansdowne Terrace, Malvern.