SIR - Jim Evans is shallow and nave in his assessment of faith schools and religious beliefs (Letters, March 27). While I would in no way pass judgement on his religious beliefs, or lack of any, his rant that these "fascist beliefs" are a threat to economic recession and over-population show his real agenda - a fear of multi-culturalism.

While I am not a religious teacher, I am certain that Christianity, Islam and Hinduism do not teach the "superior than thou" rhetoric that he refers to. I think if any one has taken false comfort in mumbo-jumbo it is Jim - his view of religion is shaped by gutter journalism, speculation and misinformation.

I am sure if Jim reviewed the history of the great British Empire, he will see that it was us who believed we were superior to others as the globe was colonised.

If he truly wants to open the minds of children, then let them find friendship in and embrace diversity and protect them from the nonsense that Jim writes.


Ombersley Road,
