SIR - I can reassure Andrew Guy (Letters, March 24) that the car park options study is not aimed at increasing car parking but at re-balancing what we've got. Indeed, it is highly likely that we will end up with less parking.

The university development and the council's plans to change Croft Road into a park means that parking spaces will be removed.

In addition, the Copenhagen Street car park next to the Technical College occupies a prime riverside location.

Neither enhances the area, which we would all like to improve.

To make the most of Worcester riverside that car park - or most of it - will have to go. But we still need sufficient parking for visitors and shoppers.

So re-balancing the city's car parking makes good sense. Far from being about more parking, or only about parking, the review allows us to do something about improving Worcester's riverside - not just talking about it.


Cathedral Ward,
