A MUSICAL treat for all tastes is on offer at the Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury.

The new season at the theatre will see performances from genuine folk-rock pioneers Steeleye Span and a host of tribute bands from the Cavern Beatles, the B'Eagles and Fleetwood Bac to Bon Giovi and Magic-A Kind of Queen.

The season opens with a farewell tour from the Barron Knights tomorrow(Saturday), at 7.30pm.

Over the next few weeks, audiences can enjoy favourite wartime melodies in We'll Meet Again on Tuesday, April 11, the best of the West End and Broadway in Phantom and the Musicals on Sunday, April 23, Abba The Show on Saturday, April 29 and a tribute to Lonnie Donegan in Putting on The Style on Sunday, April 30.

For more information, call the theatre on 01684 295074 or visit the website at www.rosestheatre.org.