Next week will see a flurry of events at St James's Church in the run-up to Easter, beginning with a special Palm Sunday service at 10.30am this Sunday.

Entitled Candlemas to Calvary: Reflections on a Journey, it will conclude the Lenten series of 'Journeys', focusing on that of Jesus Christ.

In addition to a service of hymns and prayers led by The Rev. Rosemary Herbert, two members of Vital Spark will sing five songs for Passion-tide composed by village organist, John Raine, interspersed with verses selected by Gwyn Klee, reflecting on the journey from the manger at Bethlehem to the cross at Calvary.

On Good Friday, Rosemary will lead a less formal service of Devotions at the Cross from 2-3pm, when people will be welcome to drop in for part of the time if they wish. The Easter Day morning family service with holy communion, a week on Sunday, will be led by The Rev. Canon Julian Charley.

No coins will be distributed in West Malvern on Maundy Thursday (April 13) but the day will be marked by a programme of Reflections for Maundy Thursday in Words and Music at the Oakdene Centre, St James's School at 7.30pm, to which all are welcome.

The programme will include Pergolesi's Stabat Mater with soloists Lynne Lindner and Susan Hughes, together with girls from St James's School and accompanist Malcolm Macleod. Sadly this may be one of the last chances to hear outstanding music from the St James's girls in West Malvern before the school merges with Malvern Girls' College and moves away from the village later this year.

Meanwhile, the village primary school is going strong, and could soon become a tourist attraction in its own right! The first stage in the transformation of its grounds is nearly complete, with striking willow sculptures and flower beds now planted up with the advice of Lionel Butcher and Chantal Crawford of the West Malvern Garden & Nature Club. It is well worth pausing as you pass the school to admire the changed scene.