THE parish plan is now available! The summary will be through your door very soon, and printed copies are available for £5. Electronic versions - CD Roms, pdf files, Word files - are available on request and also large print versions - all from Fanny Underhill, Old Mill House, Hollow Lane, 640745 or underhillfanny@btinternet.

Next steps: the parish council will be asked to adopt the plan at a meeting on Tuesday, April 25, and then to begin implementing the actions listed - all reflecting the issues raised by residents in the consultation meetings.

All groups, please note that the display boards, which were used in the consultation meetings, are available for your use. Just let Fanny know if you could use one of them.

The first Farmers' Market on the last Thursday of March was a great success, with all kinds of local goodies to be had. The next one will be on Thursday, April 27 from 5.30-7.30pm and the hall has been booked for others at the end of May and also June. If the response continues to be good, the market will undoubtedly become a regular event.

The Garden Club speaker on April 12 is Cathy Williams, who is a garden consultant. She will be giving advice on making the best of your greenhouses. There will be helpful hints even for members with only cold frames, plastic wall-cupboards or just windowsills - so something for everyone.

Please remember the May fayre on Saturday, May 6. This is the main fundraiser for the club, so please pot up any seedlings and divide large clumps, and use the fayre as a way of disposing of unwanted plants to other gardeners.