A REDDITCH fishing tackle company is celebrating after netting hundreds of pounds towards a town woman's charity bid.

The Shakespeare Fishing Tackle Company raised £571 for Jodie Locket's sponsorship fund to enable her to take part in the Aviva Breakthrough Breast Cancer walk in Birmingham in September.

Members of the Shakespeare Superteam held an angling event on Arrow Valley Lake and employees came along to fish and support the event with donations and raffles.

Jodie is now well on the way to raising the £1,500 needed to participate in the walk with thousands of other caring fundraisers, but is continuing to raise funds for her two relatives, Laura Cund and Stella Smith, who also want to take part.

The event is expected to attract more than 60 thousand walkers and raise millions for the charity.

Anyone interested in helping the three girls raise the necessary funds can call Jodie on 404695.