A REDDITCH mum is celebrating her first year as a self-employed jeweller after a radical career change.

Sharon Gayle (above) worked in sales and advertising until she had her daughter, who was born blind.

Her commitment to caring meant career changes and she took a silver jewellery-making course in 1999.

She continued to study at home and went on to college to train as a teacher of basic jewellery-making.

The 41 year old set herself three goals -- to run a teaching workshop, to design and create a range of fashionable and contemporary Christian jewellery and to develop a new approach to jewellery repair.

By 2004 she had finished her studies and was teaching part-time, as well as designing and making samples for her new collection.

But all this was put on hold when her father's health began to deteriorate.

Ms Gayle gave up work to care for him until he died.

Soon afterwards, returning from visiting family in Jamaica, she received bad news.

She said: "I didn't realise income support stopped after 28 days and not 30, so it was a nightmare to find I'd now be treated as a new claimant.

"That turned into a blessing when I heard about New Deal for Lone Parents, which let me try my business idea for six months without losing benefits, helped along by training, support and small financial incentive.

"I decided to come off benefits and become fully self-employed and, one year on, business is prospering and I'm planning for the future," said Ms Gayle.

For more details, call 0800 587 4242, visit a Jobcentre or visit www.newdeal.org.uk.