A MOVE to lower the speed limits in Bidford has been welcomed.

Work to reduce the limits from 60mph to 40mph and from 40mph to 30mph is set to begin next month as part of a county council review.

Improvements will also be made to the gateway signs, road narrowings and vehicle- activated signs to slow down motorists as they head through the village.

Parish Council clerk Elisabeth Uggerloese said the council was very pleased with the announcement because councillors had been pushing for this change following the 2002 Parish Plan, in which the issue of traffic calming and keeping to speed limits, with particular reference to Tower Hill and Salford Road, was highlighted.

Led by chairman and councillor Mike Gerrard, the B50 appraisal group marked proposals for 93 separate points to improve the environment for residents and visitors.

A questionnaire was also sent to each household inviting comments on the plans -- the majority of responses being positive.

And Mrs Uggerloese said there was a problem with speeding vehicles, particularly as cars and lorries left the A46 roundabout to go through the village.

"We are delighted this is now being carried out," she said.

"Motorists come quite fast from that road so hopefully the lower limits will slow them down, especially as we are keeping it to a 40mph speed limit on the approach before the 30mph further along."

Old signs will also be removed in Bidford to reduce sign clutter.

So far 22 villages have benefited from similar schemes in the county and a review of other roads is also under way.

Katrina Pedlar, of Warwickshire County Council's traffic project group, said the work was due to start at the end of July and should take about two to three weeks.

"There will be some disruption because of the new signs but we hope it won't be too much.

"It's for a good reason and there will not be any road closures," she added.